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Even if you don’t need new customers, you can’t look sh#t online. Here’s why..


So, I was talking to this human the other day and they laid down a pretty bold statement about not needing a decent website. Sorry, human, we don't see anything wrong with being perfect... No but seriously, here are a few quick points worth processing before you repeat yo'self.

Image via GIPHY

👊Retention: If you’re not out there sharking for clients, I’m guessing you’re all about retaining what you have. An existing client costs less than a new one, but for any company of any size they want to know they are getting the best value for money. A website is your shop window, it’s a visual marker that shows what you do, how much you value it, and how important it is. It encourages your clients to feel the same way about you that you do. Like-mindedness is crucial for any business relationship.

👯‍♀️Internal brand culture: Retaining employees is going to be one of the biggest challenges over the next decade. People have a lot of choice for flexible living and they will choose overall happiness. Those who are happy in their job see it as a part of their lifestyle. They’re excited, even consumed by what they do and will proudly share the link to their social media, or website like a badge of honour. P-lease give yourself and your employees something that they can brag about, that values what they do, and that makes them want to get their phones out and show people how you DO.

🤷‍♂️Because, what if: That big company you gave up on a while ago has heard about how good you are before, they’re unsettled with their current situation and could be swayed to move. As Emma (our creative, strategic, unicorn, guru) always says, it’s all about having the right message to the right audience, at the right time. The other important point to consider here is clarity, if people do pop on to your website to find out a bit more about what you do, they need to be able to take in as much information as possible in a very small amount of time. If you are convinced by the importance of visual language, I’m sure you can understand the practical elements here.

🌴It shows growth, understanding and progression: A willingness to move into the future is key a visual market of understanding the importance and awareness of technology that your clients need to see so they know, for example, that you are aware of efficiency tools that make the most of your valuable time. Plus, it gives you an excuse to reach out to your clients and show how hot on it you are. 🔥

🌝 Customer service: Having a decent, informative website is just as important as having a great receptionist. Think Mad Men. This is the first person you meet when you walk in to the office. They must be helpful, charming and informed. It's basic practicality. Most people now do at least some research online before engaging with a company or even a brand. This may be a quick google, or a follow on Instagram but for a lot of people, this first impression will be a deal maker or a deal breaker. If it's not easy to find contact details, book an appointment, or find the information you need from a website, we all get a little irrationally angered. Probably best to avoid annoying your customer at first site, no?

A website launch, an updated email template, a new social media content strategy is a momentous moment. You are presented with something that visually conveys how good you are at what you do because we really do believe in your brilliance. It’s an exciting time and we’d love to work with you on it. #callme 📞✨

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