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  • Emily

Live stream or go home?

Because why wouldn’t you want to update your followers with your life via live stream?

Although the live stream option on Instagram has now been around for while, we thought we’d advise you on how best to make the most of this relatively unchartered feature.

In a bid to deliver a more ‘authentic’ relationship between a brand/celebrity and their followers, Instagram live offers a welcome relief after scrolling through accounts comprised of carefully curated images. It’s a return to social media’s roots and what fans want to see.

For a food brand, why not record a video showing viewers how to create a delicious recipe using one of your products🌮?Or for a clothing company, why not stream how to turn a daytime look into one for the evening💃🏻? The possibilities are endless.

If you’re not sure what your followers want to see, why not ask via the new ‘poll’ feature on Instagram stories? While this not only makes your account appealing, it also ensures you will be creating content that your followers want to see.

During the live stream, viewers will be able to leave comments about the video. Interacting with these comments is a great opportunity to build a relationship with your followers. Asking questions during the live stream and reading out your favourite replies grows your social network through interaction.

So what are you waiting for? Head to Instagram, record a live video, engage with viewers and see your following grow…

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