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My Top Apps For Business

There are certain tools I use that have completely changed my work life in terms of improving efficiency, productivity and to an extend, creativity. Getting in to the habit of using apps can be a real pain, in the past I have had bursts of moments where I think "I'm going to get really orgnised and download every possible useful business tool and start using them all today." For one day, I am the worlds most productive human. The next day, iForget.

I've recently found my way around this, probably inspired by an article I read on Mind, Body, Green: habit. Introducing one app, tool or routine at a time allows me to integrate it in to my work day until it becomes second nature.

So, here are the apps currently integrated in to my routine at the moment:


My newest find and favourite of them all! Wunderlist is ridiculously simple, a digital 'to do' list that you can organise, categories, set deadlines and share lists with clients or co-workers. It comes in website form, a mobile app, a tablet app and a desktop app so you can be synced up wherever you go.


Toggl is a time management app that allows you to record how much time you are spending on a particular client or project. Once you've set up a project you just press play! Again, available as a phone app, website, desktop app or tablet app so you can hit 'go' wherever you are.


Communication is key for any working environment, and with an increasing culture or remote working it's important to make contact as simple as possible. I often set up work Whatsapp groups as well as internal Facebook groups which works a dream but not everyone likes to use Facebook, or has Whatsapp. Slack, Basecamp & Trello are all designed to make communication easy. They are available via desktop, tablet and phone. Groups can be set and people can join and leave conversations or or projects. You can share images, links and information.


When used properly iCal can help make life so much easier. It can act as a central platform to sync up all your other calendars across all devices whether you have events on your Google, iCloud or Yahoo calendars etc. You can invite attendees to meetings or events, add notes and set locations as well as colour coordinate events relating to clients, personal, projects etc. I find setting reminders for events a useful feature.


There are so many useful accountancy software sites, I think FreeAgent is great for ease of use and cost. It allows you to record expenses, send invoices and keep track of your cashflow.


...I get hungry when I work.


Laundrapp collects your laundry from work and drops it back off when it's done. They have pretty competitive pricing too. Get £10 off your first order with the code VCPTWP.

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