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Something Old Meets Something New

Luxury brands traditionally create a personal shopping experience for

their customer. With exclusive, bespoke products it is crucial to get to

know each client and tailor their experience to their needs. Such brands

may have a smaller database compared to larger mass selling companies,

but power is in the knowledge of each individual. A database may be split

into lists to maintain a more personal relationship with clients whilst

marketing efficiently; for example, you may only want to send out

information relevant to where they live or items they have purchased in

the past.

In many ways, luxury brands, especially small businesses, have been

avoiding the use of technology to market themselves for fear of missing

out on human interaction and interfacing personally with their clients.

Many of the brands that I work with are purely online. Products such as

high-end shoes, hats and jewellery are not something people generally

like to buy without trying them on first. However, this does not mean you

cannot grow your brand significantly through its online presence.

Here are some examples of how Araminta Marketing creates sales with

online only businesses, often by harnessing traditional word-of-mouth


Customer Images

Amy Collett Millinery creates handmade hats. Each individual hat is

bespoke in its own way. Even hats from the collections can be made in any

colour. Every collection has a professional photo shoot in a studio with

a model and make-up artist to allow the detail of the hats to be shown in

their full glory. Whilst showing each hat on the same model conveys

strong brand consistency and allows the hats to look fantastic, it is

social media that acts as a platform for customers to send in their own

photos and talk about their experience. By sharing customer images, Amy

can show that her hats suit a range of people, as well as convey how much

the client is enjoying their headpiece, and how stylish and confident

each person looks. Customers then feel confident to buy their own, or to

arrange a consultation.

“Customer images are invaluable for small brands, such as ours, that are in the early stages of brand establishment. They give a true endorsement for the brand, one which a potential client can identify with and trust.

A photograph is a very personal reference for the brand, a client has to be confident in recommending your service if they are allowing you to use it on all SM channels.

Here at ACM many pieces we produce are commissions as such client photographs often show a design not in the collection again providing an invaluable reference tool for our work.” Amy Collett, Amy Collett Millinery

TIP: Encourage customer images by posting images of yourself or your

friends with your product. If a client sends positive feedback and you

feel you have a comfortable relationship with them, let them know you

love to receive images for your social media. Create a #hashtag,

customers can feel part of a trend.


We recently launched a competition with Soveral based on nostalgic radio

competitions from Alexandra Soveral’s childhood, whereby followers

across all social media platforms were encouraged to say something they

like about the brand for a chance to win products. This resulted in an

influx of positive testimonials about the brand and the products,

highlighting and rewarding customer loyalty. The positive reaction

created through this digital version of word-of-mouth marketing can

capture the imagination of potential customers who have not previously

purchased from the brand.

"Testimonial gained through using social media are immediate and far more personal. End-user and provider are suddenly speaking face to face as it were, which in this world of faceless transactions is welcomed interlude. Far reaching and seemingly more private, social media has allowed these faceless interactions to have a personality, a character, and for all tense an purposes appear human! And we all like human interaction!” Jorj Aleem, Soveral

TIP: If you have interacted with a customer personally, ask for feedback

on their experience. You can always learn something by asking your market

what they want.

Lifestyle Imagery

Northampton based shoe brand Bodileys attracts a very particular

type of client. These gentlemen tend to know more about menswear then the

average shopper. That is why they repeatedly buy from a brand well known

for high quality craftsmanship. When it comes to product photography it

is important that the shoes look immaculate and show off the detail and

quality that the client is looking for. The shoe connoisseurs spending

£300+ on a Goodyear welted pair of shoes made in Northampton hail from

all over the world, but they all have one thing in common; A love of

traditional, British fashion. Lifestyle imagery allows Bodileys to

portray the philosophy behind the brand, and meet the markets

expectations. They offer context in terms of where one might wear the

shoes and what they might wear the shoes with. Over time, creating a

lifestyle image around the brand creates a positive association that puts

a brand to the forefront of people’s minds when thinking where to buy a

particular product.

“Araminta's photographs have especially given us the ability to show

off the products and tell the story behind the Bodileys brand in

pictures. Araminta Marketing has shown our customers, new and old how

versatile our shoes are and reached out to a market we knew was there but

didn’t know how to find.” Sarah Dudley, Bodileys

TIP: Use a combination of phone snaps and professional images.

Professional images are carefully curated, aspirational and create strong

content for branding. Phone snaps can look great too whilst being

relatable and more truthful of what is going on ‘behind the scenes’.

Whilst it is crucial not to forget the personal, traditional values that

go in to the crafts that make a luxury brand, digital marketing and

technology can extend on the ever important word-of-mouth

marketing. When used correctly digital marketing can allow you to get to

know your customers quickly, and effectively show you know them well.

Combining the old with the new may be the key to taking your brand to the

next level.

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