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Digital Wellbeing Tips

What is digital wellbeing? In order to make sure we get the most out of tech, rather than letting it get the best of us, we must first understand how to get the best balance for each individual

Tech Tips ⌚do you have your 'screen time usage' turned on so you are aware of how much time per week you spend looking at a screen? 💭are you able to separate your work & home devices to create a healthy divide? 🌛do you have night mode set up on your screen? 🤓have you considered anti-blue light glasses? 🖥do you have you screen set-up ergonomically?

Social Media Tips ⏳is it time to reset your 'scrolling' habits on social media so that you can start a more mindful, beneficial approach to your usage? 🧠are you mindful of who you follow on social media? Do these accounts add something to your day Do you have a healthy balance of education, entertainment, inspiration and humour on there? 🌛can you leave a longer gap from checking social media after you wake up or before go to sleep?

Conscious Marketing Tips ✨are your images inclusive? Is your tone of voice? 🧠are you conveying a healthy projection of mental and physical health? ❣are you making a conscious effort to ensure you are projecting more than one interpretation of beauty? 💭are you making an effort to avoid making assumptions about peoples behaviour based on their gender or background? 👉think ‘how can I help’ my audience, more than ‘how can I sell'

Photo by Katarzyna Grabowska on Unsplash

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