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Do you like raisins? How about a February date... 2020 Marketing Dates

Image via Giphy

🌈LGBT History Month

💛National Heart Month

🚫Sugar Free February

🍨Sat 1st: Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

🐻Sun 2nd: Groundhog Day

💔Sun 2nd: Dump Your Significant Jerk Day

👫Sun 2nd: Children’s Mental Health Week begins

🎗Tue 4th: World Cancer Day

🏈Wed 5th: Superbowl

☎️ Thu 6th: Time to Talk Day

🌰Thu 6th: World Nutella Day

🍫Thu 6th: Chocolate Fondue Day

💃🏽Thu 6th: Ballet Day

🌚 Fri 7th: Working Naked Day

😘Fri 7th: National Bubblegum Day

🩸Fri 7th: National Wear Red Day, BHF

💐Sat 8th: Kew Gardens Orchid Festival begins

🍕Sun 9th: National Pizza Day

🛀🏻Sun 9th: Read in The Bath Day

🌂Mon10th: Umbrella Day

💻Tue 11th: Safer Internet Day

👯‍♀️Tue 11th: Make A Friend Day

👩‍🔬Tue 11th: International Day of Women and Girls in Science

🐦Wed 12th: Darwin Day

💕Fri 14th: Valentine’s Day

📚Fri 14th: International Book Giving Day

👠Fri 14th: London Fashion Week begins

🎁Sat 15th: Singles’ Awareness Day

🎓Fri 15-23rd [est]: Half Term

👩‍❤️‍👩Mon 17th: Random Acts of Kindness Day

🍷Tue 18th: National Drink Wine Day

🐶Thu 20th: Love Your Pet Day

👷‍♀️Thu 20th: Introduce A Girl to Engineering Day

🇮🇹Fri 21st: International Mother Language Day

🍹Sat 22nd: National Margarita Day

🧠Sat 22nd: World Thinking Day

⏰Sat 22nd: Single Tasking Day

🧘‍♀️Sun 21st: World Yoga Day

🍌Mon 24th: Fairtrade Fortnight begins

🥞Tues 25th: Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day

✝︎ Wed 26th: Ash Wednesday

🧚‍♂️Wed 26th: Tell A Fairy Tale Day

💅🏽Wed 26th: Pink Day (anti-bullying)

🐱Thu 27th: Pokémon Day

🍫Fri 28th: Chocolate Soufflé Day

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