People often approach us enquiring about social media knowing that they should be on it, but not knowing why.
*Here's why:
There are now 500m active users on Instagram monthly. 300m of these users are active daily. It is also one of the fastest growing mobile ad platforms.
90% of users are below the age of 35.
According to Brand Watch; 'Over a third of Instagram users have used their mobile to purchase a product online– making them 70% more likely to do so than non-users'.
Half of Instagram users follow brands.
The average engagement per post has grown by 416% in the last 2 years.
70% of the most used hashtags are branded.
31% - direct impact Instagram has on overall beauty purchasing decisions
We work with Instagram to harness the power of visual language, interact with creative communities and develop a brand’s visual identity.
Araminta Marketing creates content tailored to each company’s goals. This doesn't always have to be about reaching a high volume of customers. The luxury brands we work with are often looking to target a certain quality of customer.
Goals achieved through Instagram may be:
To raise brand awareness.
Create sales.
Retain Sales.
Create customer loyalty.
Allow people to identify with your company.
Direct traffic to your website.
Develop the visual identity of the brand.
Learn more about your market.
Provide a platform of communication to meet your customers needs.
Portray yourself as industry leaders.
A creative outlet.
To promote the brands / clients you work with.
Random fact: Pizza is the most instagrammed food.
*Stats and facts according to